Error Connecting to Substrate

This topic is related to error troubleshooting for the Substrate tutorial — Create your first Substrate chain

Mohit Vijay
2 min readJun 1, 2021

This weekend, I was sitting idle and not having anything to do further except watching falling crypto prices. I started thinking about learning the implementation of blockchain.

We know many cryptos have so much potential to grow, and one of those is Polkadot. Further moving into my random learning, I reached to Substrate Developer Hub and started exploring its tutorial. Everything was smooth until I completed the computer setup to prepare for the front-end to launch and show me the Substrate chain dashboard.

In a terminal window, substrate-front-end-template folder, I wrote yarn start and hit enter — Window open in chrome, and boom.

Error Connecting to Substrate

{ “isTrusted”: true }

After getting this error, I tried many things. Different websites for help, Chrome Javascript settings, and Chrome error console too. Chrome error console gave me a rough idea that something it's trying to connect at


With the above information, I found that my node was not running, causing this obvious issue. To start node, in a separate terminal window, go to substrate-node-template folder and run this command

./target/release/node-template — dev — tmp

If your client is running, you will see the substrate chain dashboard and block numbers getting updated.

if your client is not working, you open another terminal window, go to the substrate-front-end-tempate folder and use this command

yarn start

With this, your client will start, and the Substrate chain dashboard will open in the browser.



Mohit Vijay

I am a technology leader, thinker, mentor, coach, and most important, always a learner.